RODGER PHILLIPS, "International Man of Mystery," "Donovan" -- Lead Vocals:
Rodger is beyond words. Some say he is a womanizer, others say he's dumb and gay.
The truth is that he's neither, but many women are drawn to him for
various reasons. One fan says he's an "evil mod", but Austin Powers
is no match for the modder-than-mod style of Mr. Phillips, especially
when he's with the S.C.F.M. He lived in Hartford with Mike Gill but
recently moved to Bishop's Corner (West Hartford, CT). Keep your eyes peeled
if you're in the area -- many fans can spot him on his foam green
scooter. The poster boy for Vespa, Rodger also has a unique and charming
singing voice and is a filmmaker during the day.
NICK KAIN -- Guitar,Vocals: Nick was/is the lead vocalist/guitarist
for the Spicy Gribblets, a very talented ska band from CT that broke
up but ocassionally reunites to do shows in the area. Nick is a helluva
nice guy. He is also an awesome musician and is worshipped
by many young teenage boys who envy his skills. Nick also enjoys RC Cola (35ยข a can)!
SCOTT NEILSON, "Uncle Scotty" -- Trumpet, Keys, Flugelhorn: Scott lives in Willimantic
and is one of the nicest guys in the entire ska scene. He is
multi-talented, playing not one, but TWO instruments (three if you count flugelhorn). He can play the
trumpet and the organ at the same time while drinking a beer through
his nose. Scott is very talented at both instruments and has even been a music teacher
(bet you never had a music teacher as cool as Mr. Neilson!).
He plays catchy melodies that make you wanna skank all
MIKE GILL -- Drums: Johnny Too Bad welcomes this long-time friend to
the band. An experienced drummer, he replaces Jay Adelberg (as of 8/97). Mike is a key member of the infamous
S.C.F.M. and resided with Rodger in Hartford, but now lives in Suburbia
(West Hartford) with other S.C.F.M. members (those evil nigel 6 brothers!). A talented film maker
(LOVE those old horror home videos!), the PMRC has him to thank for the
notorious Johnny Too Bad Movie, in which he does a very special dance with Rodger to the classic Beastie Boys' "Brass Monkey".
MAT JONES -- Baritone Sax, Guitar: Mat works at the Coffee Beanery
in Westfarms Mall (W. Hartford, CT), which is how the Punky Munky met
him and the band. He enjoys getting bevvied up with the S.C.F.M. and
riding his scooter. Mat is also multi-instrumental, like Scott, and is talented at both guitar and bari. This popular young musician recently graduated
from New Britain High School. All Rodger has to do at a show is say "Mat Jones" and the ladies start screaming. He he he.
ROB NOLAN -- Bass: Rob is a big sweetie who proposed to "The Wife"
onstage at a Strikeouts show. You can't get more romantic than that.
He plays bass with such coolness that it looks like he doesn't even
have to try. He also had the thankless job of providing van transportation
for the band for many a show before and was willing to give a nice young
fan a ride home in exchange for carrying equipment after a show.
DAN "The Cruiser" DELACRUZ -- Tenor Sax: Dan the Man is one slick sax player. He was nice enough
to forgive the webmistress for leaving his name off of the old
homepage. Women faint at the sensuous soulfullness of his sexy sax
A special thanks to all former Johnny Too Bad members.
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